Sunday, February 18, 2007

High Tech OBGYN : Sanno Medical Center

A short story by Ann Marie Grumm, 2006

At 45 years old, I came home from the doctor and asked my Japanese boyfriend, Yuichi, if he'd like to make a baby.

I was so excited. I just had the most exciting GYN experience !!!

The gyn-guy was young.  Early 50s. Late 40s.

Young?  You ask.  Indeed he was. Compared to all the white-haired docs I've had throughout the years in the states.

He communicated very well in English for a Japanese guy. He tells me he's part Italian. 'Is that so?' I vocalize my wonder. I don't believe him.

There's noone else in the room, just the two of us. He has me sit in this upright, comfy, pink chair. No stir-ups!

A pink curtain is easily pulled in place. It shields me from seeing my lower extremities exposed before the doctor. Yet, I see his head as he is sitting on a pink rolling stool in front of me.

There's another curtain that we can draw in front of my face. It too, is pink. It amuses the doctor. He opens and shuts it. "Which would you prefer?" he asks. He suggests leaving it open.

He explains everything beforehand, so that nothing comes as a surprise.   He gently puts those cold metal instruments inside me in order to get a pap.

To check the ovaries, he doesn't go sticking his entire hand up inside me to feel them!! Instead, he places (indeed places!! He doesn't just shove it up there), he places a wand gently inside. It doesn't have to go very far, either.

Together, we see it ALL on the computer monitor. My insides. The baby making apparatus. He explains, pointing here and there on the screen with a stylus. He points out the ovaries, six eggs, the cervix, the wall of the uterus, and the endometrium that's getting ready to shed.

He prints out several pictures and we return to his desk.

He says I have insides like a 21 year old and pauses.  Dare I detect a coy smile?  He goes on to explain the black and white images that we just viewed on the screen . . . the wall of the cervix, the uterus, and the 6 eggs. 5 eggs are getting ready for next month. There is one big one ready to release any day now. He's happy to tell me that I have the ability to have more babies. "Would you like to have more babies?" He asks. I detect a hint of suggestion.

For a moment I allow myself to daydream. I imagine he has a sleek black sports car parked in the lot. I wonder, "Hmmm, are you willing?" With a slyness in my smile, I say "I'd need a wealthy guy."

He doesn't make any offers. Instead, he sends me home with a set of pics, my future babies.  I think of Yuichi.  Like a proud momma-to-be, I will show off my sono pictures!

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